Swami Kriyananda
Cooperative Communities: How to Start Them and Why
(Nevada City, CA: Ananda Publications, 1968)
Softcover: 104 pages
Handwritten note: John Palocy, 442-8696

Steve Bear
Dome Cookbook
(Corrales, NM: Cookbook Fund – Lama Foundation, 1968)
Stapled: 40 pages

Raymund Mungo
Total Loss Farm: A Year in the Life
(New York: Bantam, 1970)
Hardcover: 184 pages
Library card: Los Angeles Public Library
Stamped: Altamont High School Library (partially crossed out)
Torn page: 5

Alicia Bay Laurel
Living on the Earth
(New York: Random House, 1970)
Softcover: 216 pages

William Hedgepeth, Dennis Stock
The Alternative: Communal Life In New America
(New York: The Macmillan Company, 1970)
Hardcover: 192 pages
Stamped: Library stamp (illegible)
Stamped: Withdrawn
Torn page: 142

Robert Houriet
Getting Back Together
(New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc., 1971)
Hardcover: 412 pages

Richard Fairfield (ed.)
The Modern Utopian, Communes, U.S.A. vol. 5 #1, 2, 3
(San Francisco: Alternatives Foundation, 1971)
Softcover: 187 pages

Richard Fairfield (ed.)
The Modern Utopian: Modern Man in Search of Utopia
(San Francisco: Alternatives Foundation, 1971)
Softcover: 195 pages

Peter Rabbit
Drop City
(New York: The Olympia Press, Inc., 1971)
Softcover: 166 pages

Ron Roberts
The New Communes: Coming Together in America
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Rentice-Hall, 1971)
Softcover: 146 pages

Benjamin David Zablocki
The Joyful Community: An Account of the Bruderhof—a communal movement now in its third generation
(Baltimore: Penguin Books, Inc., 1971)
Softcover: 368 pages
Stamped: A Swindler/C S Fischer, 4118 20th St, San Fran CA 94114

Lloyd Kahn
Domebook 2
(Bolinas, CA: Pacific Domes, 1971)
Stapled: 128 pages

Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Commitment and Community: Communes and Utopias in Sociological Perspective
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1972)
Softcover: 304 pages
Torn page: 97

Richard Fairfield (ed.)
The Modern Utopian: Utopia U.S.A.
(San Francisco: Alternatives Foundation, 1972)
Softcover: 232 pages

Richard Fairfield
Communes USA: A Personal Tour
(Baltimore: Penguin Books, Inc., 1972)
Softcover: 406 pages
Torn page: X

Keith Melville
Communes in the Counter Culture: Origins, Theories, Styles of Life
(New York: William Morrow & Company Inc., 1972)
Hardcover: 256 pages
Stamped: Lima Public Library, Main Library
Stamped: Withdrawn

Hiley H. Ward
The Far-Out Saints of the Jesus Communes
(New York: Association Press, 1972)
Hardcover: 192 pages

Lucy Horton
Country Commune Cooking
(New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc., 1972)
Spiral bound: 240 pages
Torn page: 138

Theodore Roszak
Sources: An anthology of contemporary materials useful for preserving personal sanity while braving the technological wilderness
(New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1972)
Softcover: 578 pages
Library Stamp: The Property of Unitarian Universalist Church, Fort Myers, Florida
Stamped: Withdrawn
Torn page: 289

Kathleen Kinkade
A Walden Two Experiment: The First Five Years of Twin Oaks Community
(New York: William Morrow & Company, Inc., 1973)
Hardcover: 274 pages

Unohoo, Coyote, Rick, and the Mighty Avengers (eds.)
The Morning Star Scrapbook
(Occidental, CA: Friends of Morning Star, 1973)
Softcover: 192 pages

Elaine Sundancer
Celery Wine: The Story of a Country Commune
(Yellow Springs, OH: Community Publications Cooperative, 1973)
Softcover: 176 pages
Stamped: Order From: Community Service, Inc. P.O.Box 243, Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Richard Wizansky (ed.)
Home Comfort: Stories and Scenes of Life on Total Loss Farm
(New York: Saturday Review Press, 1973)
Hardcover: 336 pages

Wavy Gravy
The Hog Farm and Friends as Told to Hugh Romney and Vice Versa
(New York: Links, 1974)
Softcover: 196 pages

Dave Jackson
Living Together in a World Falling Apart
(Carol Stream, IL: Cremation House, 1974)
Softcover: 304 pages
Stamped: Christian Life Book Center, Inc., 196 Newport Avenue, Rumford, R.I. 02916

January Thaw: People at Blue Mountain Ranch Write About Living Together in the Mountains
(New York: Times Change, 1974)
Softcover: 160 pages

Judson Jerome
Families of Eden: Communes and the New Anarchism
(New York: The Seabury Press, 1974)
Hardcover: 274 pages

Stephen and the Farm
Hey Beatnik: This Is The Farm Book
(Summertown, TN: The Book Publishing Co., 1974)
Softcover: unpaginated

Ernest Callenbach
Ecotopia: the novel of your future
(New York: Bantam Books, 1977 [first published by Banyan Tree Books 1975])
Softcover: 216 pages
Torn page: 1

Paul Kagan
New World Utopias: A Photographic History of the Search for Community
(New York: Penguin, 1975)
Softcover: 192 pages

John Rothchild
The Children of the Counterculture
(Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976)
Hardcover: 210 pages
Library Card
Stamped: Yazoo Library Association, 310 North Main, Yazoo City, Miss. 39194

Hugh Gardner
The Children of Prosperity – Thirteen Modern Communes
(New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1978)
Hardcover: 282 pages

Eric Raimy
Shared Houses, Shared Lives: The New Extended Families and How They Work
(Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1979)
Hardcover: 216 pages
Library Card
Stamped: Pawtucket Public Library
Stamped: Discarded

Paul Freundlich et al. (eds.)
A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives
(New Haven, CT, and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979)
Softcover: 184 pages

Benjamin Zablocki
Alienation and Charisma: A Study of Contemporary American Communes
(New York: Free Press/ Macmillan, 1980)
Hardcover: 456 pages
Library card: Fitchburg Public Library
Stamped: Pittsburg Public Library
Stamped: Fitchburg, Mass.
Stamped: This Book was purchased with state funds